discover everything from nature.....

slide 1

knowledge is power

develop scientific approach...

dream big

learning is continuous process....


combine experiments and theory....

Friday 1 September 2017

speech on teacher's day - Radhakrishnan Birthday / teachers day


In this post, each student can access a variety of speeches on teacher's day.  Especially, the students can understand the following speeches at their own speed and can reproduce easily without elders support.  Every student can show their respects on the teachers using the following speeches.

students speech - teacher's day ...(simple speech)

        It is very auspicious day to deliver a few words on teacher's day.  Respected principal, teachers and my beloved friends, as we all know the reason of gathering, that is today is the birth anniversary of Dr. Sarvepalli Radhakrishanan, who is the first Vice President of Indian Republic.  It is my honor to deliver speech on a great person, first I would like to say thanks to my teachers for giving me this opportunity.  We all celebrate the day every year as Teacher's day.  Each teacher can mould the students to become a good citizen of India.  Parents believe that the character of the students is in the hands of a teacher, that is why the maximum time is spent at the teachers.  One must pay respect to one's teachers. 

    Parents give birth, but the teachers give life to the students.  Each and every teacher think any student as a better citizen of the nation.  The success of the students depend on the teachers.  Since each and every student assume their teachers as their role models.  Our teachers think about students bright future.  One must not ignore any teacher in their life.  Teachers are nothing but good philosophers, motivators, mentors, etc., One can follow their teacher's principles and stood as the best citizen to the Nation.

      A teacher is a center of knowledge resources where students gain knowledge.  There is a great place to teachers after their parents.  A student travel with different teachers in the journey of education.  All the students get inspired by their teachers.  Our elders are in present good position because of their teachers.  I can say T....Technical, E...enthusiastic, A...admire, C...cleverly, H...Hopefully, E....educated, R...reliable....In this way each letter has a power. 

     I am thankful to all of you to express on my teachers.

students speech - teacher's day ...(higher standard speech)

      Respected principal, teachers and my dear friends, I am very hapy to say the reason for gathering on this auspicious day, that is the birth anniversary of our beloved Sri sarvepalli Radhakrishana, who was a great scholar, teacher and the Vice president of Indian Republic.  Let me introduce my self, I am a student of this school studying under the guidance of valuable persons they are none other than our beloved teachers.  Each student gets a perfect shape,  with the vision of their teachers.  Teachers are the visionaries of the nation.  Every teacher feels happy when a student gets good life in the future.  Nothing is given back from the students except the respect.  Nothing is expected by the teachers.  On this day, I want to express my gratitude towards the teachers. 

      In the society, we can observe different people with different professions, but at one time, each of these persons is a student of the teacher.  In this way, we can a teacher can mould any one in a different manner useful to the society.  One must need good education in any field, the good education is produced by a good teacher. 

      Each and every teacher in the class thinks that each of the students should grasp his subject properly and gain knowledge.  He never shows any partiality any of the student.  Teacher's encouragement itself the success of the students. 

     On this day, we pay honor to the teachers since teachers scarify their lives to the society by imparting their knowledge to the society and students. The teacher's day is celebrated all over the world to show the respect to the teachers.  On this day, each and every one express their gratitude towards the teachers and recall the importance of the teachers to the society. 

    The society is peaceful and structured due to the teachers only.  In all our class room teachings, teachers teach not only the subject, but also they teach how to survive in the society and how to tackle any new problem arises to us in the society.  They develop the confidence, develop attitude, and shape us a better citizen of the Nation. 

    I would like to assure you that I would become a good teacher in the future.  Thanking you one and all.

Wednesday 23 August 2017

simple microscope


                   Dissecting microscope is another name for simple microscope.  It is very important laboratory equipment, it is often used in biology experiments.  While we are using simple microscope, one should follow these precautions.

1. When we are taking out the microscope for the experiment from its case, one should use both hands 

2. Proper maintenance should be taken that is this microscope should be kept in case when not in use.

3. There are two mirrors used in it, one is plane mirror and it is used for natural day light and another mirror concave mirror for artificial light.

Different parts of the microscope:

- Basal iron foot

- for holding the eye piece a short limb is used, for focussing an adjustment screw is used

- to keep the slide, there is a glass stage.

- Plano-concave mirror is used for light adjustment.


             Main aim of the apparatus is to view the object to be examined, clearly.  Take the object or material to be examined on the glass stage, add a drop of glycerin, cover with a cover slip, adjust the mirror for light and then view the object or material through eye piece. 

Tuesday 22 August 2017

types of eye defects



                    Light is the primary source of vision.  When light incidents on any object, it gets reflected into our eye, then the sensation of vision takes place by human brain.  The light rays coming from the object forms image on our retina, it is inverted one.  But, the brain makes us to see erected form.

General questions while observing any object.......

Q1. How do we see an object?

Q2. What is the least distance of distinct vision?

Q3. What is the angle of vision?

Q4. When do we feel the object or the text, is not visible properly?

Q5. How many types of defects are there?

Q6. What is the construction of eye?

Q7. Is there any lens present in our eye?

Q8. Which is supposed as a screen in our eye?

Q9. How the light rays get refracted into our eye?

Q10. Explain clearly the defect arises with our age?

Activity 1: Let us take a textbook, and make the book very close to our eyes, then think whether the text is visible properly or not.   Move the book a little distance and observe the letters in book, then as the distance is increased the visibility is increased.  The minimum distance where we can read the text clearly, is called 'the least distance of distinct vision'.  It is approximately 25cm.  This distance may be less in younger children.

Activity 2: Imagine that an aeroplane is flying in air.  How do we think the size of the aeroplane.  It appears very small, as the distance from us is increased.  The reason is that the angle made with our eye is very small, the angle made by the two rays coming from the aeroplane.  In this way, we can understand that when the angle made with our eye is more than 60 degree, then we can't see an object completely.  When this angle is smaller than 60 degee, then we can see completely.  This angle is called angle of vision.

Activity 3: The people who are unable to see the objects which are very nearer or who can see the distant objects is called the eye defect hypermetropia or hyperopia.  In this case, the rays coming from nearer objects are focussed beyond the retina.  To minimise this defect or eradicate it, we need a biconvex lens.  The lens makes all the rays to concentrate on retina.

Activity 4: The people who are unable to see the objects which are very distant or who can see nearer objects, then the defect is called myopia.  In this case, the rays coming from the distant objects can be focussed before the retina.  To correct it, we must use biconcave lens in our spectacles.  The lens makes to focus on retina.

Friday 21 July 2017


Mirror can reflect the light due to its non transparency property...the surface where light reflects is called reflecting surface.
1. Plane mirrors
2. Spherical mirrors

principles of reflection:
1. The angle of incidence is equal to the angle of reflection

2. Incident ray, reflected ray and Normal lie in the same plane. They are coplanar. 

Sunday 16 April 2017

types of objects and images


Ray optics primarily deals with determining the position and nature of the image formed when an object is placed in front of an optical element.


An object is a source of light rays that are incident on an optical element.  An object may be a point or an extended object.  Since extended objects can be modeled as a collection of points, we only need to study point objects.


An object is real if two or more incident rays actually emanate or seen to emanate from a point.  The object is actually present.  Hence it is called a real object.


An object is said to be virtual when two incident rays seem to converge to that point.


An image is the point of convergence or apparent point of divergence of rays after they interact with a given optical element.  An object provides rays that will be incident on an optical element.  The optical element reflects or refracts the incident light rays which then meet at a point to form an image.


Real images are formed when the reflected or refracted rays actually meet or converge to a point.  A real object can be captured on a screen.

When light rays, after interacting with the optical element, do not meet at a point but appear to emanate from a point, then the virtual images are formed.

Sunday 25 December 2016

successful thinking


To be a successful person, one must have a contingency plan.  Generally, we use to observe that every one of us will have a plan for that day, it involves - how to spend the day effectively, how to reach workplace safely, what type of dress to wear, how to come back home in time, what should we present in a meeting, etc.  These are all the essential things which should be completed successfully. So, what should we do?  It involves contingency planning - the fundamental meaning of the contingency is that an event that is taking place in future, and another meaning is that a provision for an unforeseen need or necessity.  

Broadly, we can understand that contingency is nothing but a way of preparing.  For each and every activity, contingency will be there.  Generally, when we are going to set a target, we use to see all the possible ways to achieve it.  All of us knowingly or unknowingly, think about the possibilities.  The thinking way is different from one another.  When we look at a successful person, his/her contingency plannings are different from a person who doesn't achieve it.  

****contingency plannings are different for different professions.****

Let us consider a software engineer, who needs to finish his project.  A software engineer should consider his given time to finish the project, he/she should consider some situations where there might a problem of power supply due to different situations, sometimes, there may be some problems in manpower where some of his team members might be absent due to their own problems. These are all the unexpected situations which might occur in his/her project work completion.  So, he/she must go for alternatives.

Let us look at a student, his/her contingency planning should go around his syllabus preparation and going to attend exams.  Never think that everything goes as we planned.  Especially students should concentrate on his health conditions so that the preparation for exams should take place daily, never postpone for tomorrow.  This habit makes him/her to attempt exams confidently.

So, these are all some of the examples to explain what is contingency planning.  It is all about the ability to find and replace alternatives for unexpected things going to take place in future.

Tuesday 13 December 2016

success habits - success principles

s . u . c . c . e . s  . s .

1) supple thinking
A person showing suppleness has three different strands.  They are 1) Flexible thinking, 2) very creative, innovative, imaginative thinking 3) ready to receive positively anything.
To get success in the life, a person should have suppleness, a supple thinker, will always go for adopting new situations, faces new obstacles, and quickly adopt to new situations.  Everyday supple thinker updates his/her knowledge.  This character can be compared with roots of the plant.  Roots fed with rich nutrients, this makes to grow the plant taller and taller everyday.  This growth signs the development.  In the same way, supple thinking makes a person to update his knowledge and grow strongly with strong foundation.

The supple thinker creates his own independent platform.  He never agree ignorantly with other's opinion.  Since, whenever a person wants to become sharpen his brain, he/she should not simply accept others ideas.  The supple thinker is open to learning continuously, this helps him/her to face new situations.  To tackle new problems, always go for develop his/her knowledge by learning new things. 
Flexible thinking is necessary to become a supple thinker......

Flexible thinkers will collect various types of data to test and they are very divergent in thinking in order to solve the problems .  These people engage in simultaneous outcomes.  Flexible people will have a dimension of new thinking in order to solve a problem, moreover they go with new approach.  This helps to develop knowledge and creativity.  In the present day societies, one must be very flexible in order to work, with social diversity and we should see to recognize the importance of wholeness and distinctiveness in the sense of how other people think and recognize the problems.

In this context, we should discuss about radiant thinking, radiant thinking people can approach a problem in different approach and in a new angle, radiant thinking people will look for number of solutions for a given problem, by which they can get confident solution, this is very important for each and everyone who wish to be innovative.  These people are very strict followers of the rules and regulations of the society.  Never they violate the rules and regulations.

While solving any problem, we sometimes could not gather full needful information, in those situations also flexible thinkers will fill the gaps with their own idea and go for the solution for the problem, this is very important thing for a successful person.  This can be compared with the discoveries made by the scientists, that is the discovery is not an invention since the scientists just disclosed the things from the nature only.  In the same way, one must be aware that there is a solution for each and every problem.  To gain for one's efforts, one must maintain good relationships with the society and leverage the time.

div style="text-align: justify;"> The conclusion is flexible thinking should be developed from the classroom itself.  The students in this age will be adopted for multiple solutions and they achieve success in their lives.  Each and everyone should use mind mapping technique to have strong result oriented path. 

characteristics ........imagining, creative, innovative........

Each and everyone in the society have all the three characteristics, but these have to be disclosed to new situations and should be applied whenever need.  An ordinary person and a creative person will receive a problem in different way.   A creative person will look for alternatives for a given problem,  a creative person never mind critics and criticism. 
Creativity is different from innovative, innovative thinking involves development, selection of creative ideas,   critical thinking is essential to develop the innovative nature.   One must have critical thinking capacity in accepting or rejecting information by examining thoroughly.  

We can list out the important characteristics of a creative person, they are : always engages in finding a new problem, prefers learning continuously, never tense with ambiguity, take anything positive and playful, poses questions on problems, eager to do work and have a range of interests, prefers taking risks.

success principle.....UNDERSTANDING THE CONCEPTS

To have good understanding, one must have a capacity of understanding with good listening, collecting data from all the sources.  A person with good understanding makes less assumptions, which leads to quick result.  An intelligent behavior is one which indicates the ability of listening to to another person.  A good understanding comes from listening and making use of all the sense organs.  Anybody will have good understanding concept, when we see more instead of listening with ears, a psychological concept tells us that one can remember more when we see the things instead of just listening and doing with seeing is the most highest point of receiving data.  Listening with understanding includes a small pause while listening, and before probing one must synthesis the information.  Hence, when we wait for a while before speaking, that reveals our understanding percentage.

h4 style="text-align: justify;"> success principle....CONSTRUCTIVE THINKING
Success depends on perfect constructive thinking capacity, constructive thinking depends on the analysis of past knowledge on various topics, making interdependence on each and every topic.  A constructive thinker asks good questions to understand and think properly. 

success principle....THINKING COURAGEOUSLY

In the journey of achievement, one must take courageous steps, and should have big goals.  In achieving big goals, courageous thinkers take risks, and never afraid of the obstacles they face in the path of achievement.   These courageous people never look back and have patience in completing the task. 

h4 style="text-align: justify;"> success principle.....EXACTNESS
Many people fails in achieving their goals, this is due to the lack of exactness i.e. one must have a good clarity in their goal and do each and every work with 100% accuracy.  An accuracy gives us the clarity and clarity expresses our knowledge on each and every problem. 

success principle.....A GOOD SELF-MANAGEMENT

Management in the sense of work and time.  Unless we have the characteristic of management, never see a success.  Many people go on doing the work, but never have exactness on the time management and work management.  Managing work involves planning, preparation and projecting on our goal.  Self management depends on our self knowledge.  The self management also involves the ability of identifying our knowledge that is thinking on our thinking capacity. 

success principle.....SMILE

In reaching a goal, one must have good sense of humor, smile and humor makes taking a problem easily which decreases stress on us.  When we observe a child, child can laugh so many times more than the same child when he is grown up.  Psychologists stresses on smile to leave the stress.   When we laugh, muscle movements take place and may a sound is produced.  While solving problems, humor makes to feel oneness, each and every one gets good impression on us.  Without feeling hard, a problem can be solved quickly and easily. 
supple thinking, understanding capacity, constructive thinking, courageous thinking, focusing on exactness, time and self management, and smile/humor are very important in achieving everyone's goal.

Monday 12 December 2016

How to make a Kaleidoscope?





Making of KALEIDOSCOPE at home easily


What is a Kaleidoscope? Kaleidoscope works on which principle?


To understand the working of Kaleidoscope, let us know the property of light i.e. reflection of light.  When a ray incident on a plane mirror, it gets reflected with the same angle, i.e. the angle of reflection is equal to the angle of incidence. When we join two plane mirrors at an angle, then the no. of images formed depends on the angle present between them.  The 360 degree angle is divided with given angle and subtracted 1 from it.  Then we get the no. of images formed by plane mirrors when they are at certain angle.

The same principle is applied in a Kaleidoscope, that is two or three plane mirrors are attached at certain angle, and one end is covered with a transparent cover and another end with a cardboard, a hole is made in the top of the cardboard to view inside it.  When we place some colorful objects inside it, then there will be multiple reflections inside it, and when we view through the hole then we feel happy due to wonderful images formed.


materials required:

1) two or three same size rectangular mirrors, 

2) tape

3)  cardboard sheet

4) transparent plastic cover 

5) glue

6) colorful objects like colored glass


Make a triangular tube containing three plane mirrors attached with plastic tape. Then, one end is covered with plastic cover, and placed some coloured glass pieces inside it and cover another end with a cardboard sheet consists a small hole.

Now kaleidoscope is ready to use.  One can view from cardboard end, then we see beautiful patterns.



1) plane mirrors are at suitable angles.

2) light should pass through the cover

3) should be placed some colored glass pieces



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Sunday 11 December 2016

How to convert potatoes as voltaic cell?



lemon/potato battery

potatoes can be used as cell or battery

As per our knowledge, a cell is an electrical device which is used to convert chemical energy into electrical energy.  Hence, when we are using a cell, initially the chemical energy is utilized to produce electricity.  In a simple electrical circuit, we use to observe, a cell, connectors, a bulb like energy utilizer, and a switch.  When we close the circuit, that is by pressing the key, the current starts flowing through the conductors and bulb starts glowing, hence the closed electrical circuit can conduct the electricity, but all the closed circuits do not have electricity flow.  That means, the battery or cell should have chemical energy.  In our daily life, only cell alone can produce chemical energy or any natural substances can produce electricity? That is our discussion.  In this experiment, we are going to take potatoes as the producers of electricity.  The meaning is potatoes are used as cells or batteries. 
The constituents of the cell are electrolyte, two electrodes anode and cathode, conductor wire, a bulb.  In a primary voltaic cell, dil. sulphuric acid is used as electrolyte, and zinc and copper plates act as electrodes.  Zinc acts as anode that is the electrons are migrated from zinc plate to copper plate through the dil. sulphuric acid solution.  Hence, copper plate acts as cathode, the potatoes acts like the solution of dil. sulphuric acid, zinc and copper plates are used for producing electricity from potatoes.
materials required:
1) 8 small potatoes, 2) 8 strips of copper and zinc 3) conductor (copper wire) 4) a bulb of 5v.
how to prepare a circuit?
In each potato, insert a zinc and copper strips, connect with wires, such that potato acts as electrolyte.  Hence, we should take care of the circuit such that it should be a closed circuit, in order to utilize the electrical energy, we should connect a bulb as energy consumer.  Use a table, to place all these materials and make visible. 
In between a bulb and wires, connect a switch to open or close the circuit.  Hence, we close the circuit by pressing the switch, current starts flowing and bulb starts glowing. 

alternative method:

one can use lemons instead of potatoes, replace the potatoes with lemons and the remaining connections are as usual.  Here, lemons are used as electrolyte. 
1) don't insert two copper strips or zinc strips in a single potato or lemon.
2) don't connect wire to copper and zinc strip in the same potato.
3) make sure a series connection of arrangement.