Sunday 25 December 2016

successful thinking


To be a successful person, one must have a contingency plan.  Generally, we use to observe that every one of us will have a plan for that day, it involves - how to spend the day effectively, how to reach workplace safely, what type of dress to wear, how to come back home in time, what should we present in a meeting, etc.  These are all the essential things which should be completed successfully. So, what should we do?  It involves contingency planning - the fundamental meaning of the contingency is that an event that is taking place in future, and another meaning is that a provision for an unforeseen need or necessity.  

Broadly, we can understand that contingency is nothing but a way of preparing.  For each and every activity, contingency will be there.  Generally, when we are going to set a target, we use to see all the possible ways to achieve it.  All of us knowingly or unknowingly, think about the possibilities.  The thinking way is different from one another.  When we look at a successful person, his/her contingency plannings are different from a person who doesn't achieve it.  

****contingency plannings are different for different professions.****

Let us consider a software engineer, who needs to finish his project.  A software engineer should consider his given time to finish the project, he/she should consider some situations where there might a problem of power supply due to different situations, sometimes, there may be some problems in manpower where some of his team members might be absent due to their own problems. These are all the unexpected situations which might occur in his/her project work completion.  So, he/she must go for alternatives.

Let us look at a student, his/her contingency planning should go around his syllabus preparation and going to attend exams.  Never think that everything goes as we planned.  Especially students should concentrate on his health conditions so that the preparation for exams should take place daily, never postpone for tomorrow.  This habit makes him/her to attempt exams confidently.

So, these are all some of the examples to explain what is contingency planning.  It is all about the ability to find and replace alternatives for unexpected things going to take place in future.


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