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Showing posts with label gcd. Show all posts
Showing posts with label gcd. Show all posts

Wednesday 7 December 2016

states of matter



We use to observe that the matter will be in three states.  They are solid state, liquid state, and gaseous state. The state can be changed with the effect of pressure and temperature.  The temperature can be increased by increasing heat energy.  Heat energy is a different energy from other types of energies since, the heat is transmitted from higher temperature body to lower temperature body.  Whereas, the temperature is the intensity of the heat energy.  For example, when we touch an object, if we feel it is cold, the meaning is that the person who touched the object, the heat energy is transmitted from him/her to the object, then we feel very cool.  When we gain certain heat energy, we feel more hot.  In this way, the heat energy is the energy which is transferred only due to the differences in the temperatures or different intensities of heat energy.


If we observe, an ice cube, the water is in solid state.  In any solid state of a matter, the molecules or atoms are very close and we don't observe any space between each atoms.  There is no enough space between the atoms, there is a strong attractive force present between them.  No other particle can place in between the atoms of the solid substances.   

Due to these properties, solids have a definite shape, definite volume, definite mass.


Water is an example for liquid state of the matter.  Liquids do not have a definite shape, but they posses definite volume.  Liquid state can be achieved by heating a solid state of the matter.  As we are increasing the temperature by supplying the heat energy, the atoms are going away from each other and they acquire space in between the atoms.  Hence, the strength of attraction is decreased, we can add some particles like sugar in between the atoms of the liquid. So, there is no definite shape.

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Water vapor is an example of the gaseous state of the matter, the atoms are very far away from each other, there is a lot of gap between the particles.  These gaseous particles move very easily and they can be compressed easily.  We can compress a large volume of gas in a cylinder.

Tuesday 22 November 2016

greatest common divisor


A divisor is another name of factor.  A factor is a number which divides a given number completely with leaving a reminder zero.

Let us find all the factors of 10

Number 10 is divided by 1,2,5,10, So these four numbers are the factors of 10.

Let us take another example of 20

Number 20 is divided by 1,2,4,5,10,20

Now we are going to find out the great common divisor of 10,20

let us take all the common factors of 10 & 20


Among the common factors of 10 & 20, the greatest number which is factor to both the 10, 20 is 10.

Hence the greatest common divisor of 10, 20 is 10.

The meaning is 10 is only the number which divides equally both 10,20.

Friday 18 November 2016

least common multiple

least common multiple is the lowest number among the common multiples of the given numbers

for example.....

finding LCM of 2,4

step 1... Write all multiples of 2 and 4
step 2.... Write all the common multiples
step 3....write the lowest of common multiples

then the answer is ...