discover everything from nature.....

slide 1

knowledge is power

develop scientific approach...

dream big

learning is continuous process....


combine experiments and theory....

Friday 18 November 2016

least common multiple

least common multiple is the lowest number among the common multiples of the given numbers

for example.....

finding LCM of 2,4

step 1... Write all multiples of 2 and 4
step 2.... Write all the common multiples
step 3....write the lowest of common multiples

then the answer is ...

latest topics on physics


Thursday 17 November 2016


uses of plane mirror

1. Plane mirrors are used as looking glass.

2. Plane mirrors are used by barbers to show front and back side of the customer head

3. Plane mirrors are used by scouts for signalling and also for army personnel.

4. Plane mirrors are used by the opticians to provide false dimension when their place of work is very small.

5. Plane mirrors are used for providing false dimensions in displaying jewellery, show cases, wrist watches, etc. These plane mirrors are fixed such that their mirrors are opposite to each other.

6. When the plane mirrors are opposite to each one, then they form multiple images, which makes a person happy by looking multiple images.

7. Plane mirrors are also used in cooking where the solar cookers are used.

8. Plane mirrors are used in making kaleidoscope. 

uses of concave mirrors

1. concave mirrors are also used in solar cookers.

2. concave mirrors are used as a shaving mirror. The fundamental principle is when the object is in between pole of mirror and principal focus, then the image formed is virtual and erect and magnified (enlarged) image is formed, in this way the person image gets magnified.

3. Concave mirrors are also used as reflectors, generally concave mirrors are used in cars, trucks, motor bikes, in all these bikes, the bulb is placed at the principal focus of the concave reflector then a powerful parallel beam of light is formed.

4. Concave mirrors are used by doctors, especially by the doctors where we undergo examination for ear, throat, nose, teeth, etc.  We observe at dentists, these are used to see the back of the tooth by placing it behind the tooth.  Then a virtual, erect and enlarged image is formed. 

Wednesday 16 November 2016

electric motor

 how to make an electric motor at home easily


          Electric current is nothing but net amount of charge flowing through unit area of cross section of a conductor per unit time.  As we know that electrons possess negative charge that is electrons are negatively charged particles.  When these electrons are flowing through any electrical conductor, there is a development of magnetic field surrounding to the conductor. When this conductor is placed in any external magnetic field, then there is action of magnetic force on the conductor.  This force causes the moment of the conductor in the magnetic field.  This principle is applied in an electric motor.  In this motor, instead of a single long conductor, we use to take a rectangular coil, which is usually placed in a strong magnetic field.  This coil is rotated in the magnetic field, due to the flow of current.  Which is usually rotated in magnetic field, this rotation of coil is utilized as mechanical energy.  This mechanical energy is utilized for various purposes at home. 

     This concept reveals electromagnetic induction.  As discussed, when electric current passes through the coil, magnetic field is developed, and the coil also acts like a magnet. The two faces of the coil acts like magnetic poles, on one side it acts like a north pole and another side it acts like a south pole.  Hence, the current passing coil acts like a magnet. 

Materials required:
1)      A  Wooden platform
2)      9v battery
3)      Metallic strips
4)      Non insulated copper wire
5)      Key to on/off the circuit

Procedure:motor diagram.bmp

The  circuit diagram consists of the construction part of electric motor.  Take a 9v battery, connect to the metallic strips which is connected to a circular coil and the two ends of the circular coil are connected to the metallic strips.  Above the battery, a strong magnet should be placed.

Working: When the circuit is closed, the current starts flowing through the metallic strips.  The coil acts like a strong magnet consisting two poles, and this is repelled by the external magnet, with which the net force acts on the coil, by which the coil gets rotated, the continuous rotation of coil is utilized in our daily life as electric water motor, water pump, mixture, etc. 


Electric motor is a device which converts electrical energy into mechanical energy, this principle is applied in our daily life at different situations.


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last date is 28th Nov.

Sunday 13 November 2016



computer fundamentals

COMPUTER is an electronic device which takes input from the user through an input device, process the data through central processing unit  (unit), and gives the output  called information through output device.

Examples of input device:
          Keyboard, ….keyboard consists of letters, numbers, special characters and functional keys.   Keyboard is used to feed the data for various purposes. 

Exampeles of output device:

          VDU….visual display unit,  which is used to display the processed data, the information produced is meaningful and user friendly .

how a computer can understand us ?

computer knows only machine language. we need to convert high level language into machine language.  Machine language is in binary digits 0's and 1s.  Any thing what we are giving as input is converted into binary form.  

PROGRAM: A set of instructions is called a program.

HIGH LEVEL LANGUAGES :  Earlier days we have COBOL, BASIC, etc.  But now a days every one is using Python, C, C++, etc. due to requirement and necessity of the people we are shifting to new languages.  


Saturday 12 November 2016

dictionary of physics

school level dictionary of physics

Aberration is a defect in  the image which is not a true picture of the taken object.
A Phenomenon of wearing off because of friction
Absolute scale
The zero of this scale of temperature corresponds to absolute zero.
Absolute zero
Zero of thermodynamic temperature (0 kelvin)
Absorption hygrometer
A device that is used for measuring the humidity of air
Acceleration due to gravity(g)
It is the uniform acceleration produced in a freely falling body due to the gravitational pull of the earth.
A type of voltaic cell or battery that can be recharged by passing a current through it from an external d.c. supply.
Acceleration (a)
The rate of change of speed or of velocity
A machine used for producing high energy charged particles and studying nuclear reactions.
Materials that are used for doping semiconductors whose atoms accept electrons form neighbouring atoms known as host
Achromatic colour
A colour that has no colour
Refers to the study of the production and properties of sounds
Referes to any of various instruments for measuring the intensity of electromagnetic radiation.
Active device
An electronic component such as a transistor that is capable of amplification
A device that is used for connecting parts of different size and shape
It is a measure of the ability of a circuit to conduct an alternating current.
The process of formation of a layer of molecules of one substance on the surface of a solid
The part of a radio system that transmits energy into or receives from the atmosphere or space
A colloidal dispersion of a solid or liquid in a gas
Air brakes
A system of brakes that is operated by compressed air
Air conditioner
A device that is used for reducing temperature and humidity of air in an enclosed space
It is a gaseous mixture that surrounds the earth.
Alcohol thermometer
A liquid-in-glass thermometer that uses ethanol as its working substance.
The existence of a solid substance in different physical forms.
A mixture of two or more metals or of a metal with small amounts of non-metals.
Used to make permanent magnets.
Alternating current (A.C.)
A current which flows alternately in one direction, then in the opposite direction around a circuit.
Alternating voltage
The voltage whose magnitude and direction change with time and after a certain time the voltage recur with the same magnitude and in the same direction is called alterating voltage
An alloy of mercury with one or more other metals
A meter used to measure electric current.
The ampere is the practical unit of electric current.
It is a unit of quantity of electricity
An electronic device that is used to increase the strength of an input signal applied to it.
The maximum value of a varying quantity from its mean value
A device for determining the plane of polarization of plane-polarized radiation
It is the property of a solid wherein stress and strain are not uniquely related in preplastic range.
It is a device that is used to measure the speed of wind.
Aneroid Barometer
It is a type of barometer
Angle of refraction
The angle between a refracted ray and the normal to the surface at the point of refraction
Unit of length
Angular displacement
Refers to the angular or rotational displacement
Angular frequency
It is equal to the number of complete rotations made by an object per unit time
Angular velocity
It is the rate of change of angular displacement
Negatively charged ion
The process of heating a solid to a temperature below the melting point.
Annular space
The space between two rings (inner and an outer)
The electrode that is a positive potential with respect to the cathode.